Reality Of Our Education System...

We all heard that our Indian education system is focusing on quality education.But the question is why are students going abroad for higher education? Our current education system is still dominated by centrality of text books,rote learning,and stringent examination systems.India produces engineers every year as much as Switzerland's total population,yet Switzerland is no.1 in research and innovation. According to AACR reports,83% educated Indians are not employable.We often talk about Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella,But thay have also received their higher education from abroad.Before the independence, When the British were ruling India,The East India Company had two major challenges.First challenge was to communicate with Indians and second they needed lots of workers.Then British Government give us English Education Act of 1835.By which both of their purpose were fulfilled,first they wanted workers who only sitting on desk and working and did not ask any questions and second com...