Three Habits for Strong Immune System...

It's been more than three months since we all fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.We don't yet know how to fully prevent or manage the damage caused by COVID-19,the disease caused by a corona virus that is new to us all. There are currently no vaccines against corona virus,so boosting the immune system by the way of diet,exercise and sleep are sensible measures.It's essential to realize that a good immune system isn't necessarily going to keep the virus out of our bodies.However,it can reduce the severity.The experts also recommends washing hands often and well practicing social distancing. Like the Army,the immune system is an intricate network of units that act together to combat invaders,in this case bacteria,viruses and other enemies.In this article,I will tell you about three habits for boosting your immune system. 1. Move Your Body:- Movement is a key component of your overall health,including your immune system.When you get your heart pumping,even briefly,your...